<p>Dollar Implosion!: Return of the Gold Standard is a unique combination of allegory and nonfiction that revolves around the life of middle-aged Johnny who symbolizes the United States of America. Johnny once ruled his neighborhood like a king. But as middle age crept up on him, he was faced with divorce and imminent bankruptcy. Johnny is forced to reinvent himself and adapt to the rapidly changing world around him. Similarly, the American empire is enduring the challenges of a middle-aged empire. Its currency, the US dollar, will soon collapse due to unsustainable massive government debt and historical forces beyond its control. Its middle class is being squeezed by both the public and private sector. The individual citizen finds himself battling large corporations and government at the same time. Ultimately, the current system that favors the wealthy and large corporations will implode. From the ashes of the outdated financial system will rise a more equitable financial and political system based on the return of the gold standard.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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ショップ 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
税込価格 394円