<p>Jacqueline is a twenty year old college student who lives at home with her divorced mother, who is involved romantically with another woman, Gwen. Something that Jacqueline is well aware of and nothing her mother tries to hide from her.</p> <p>The mother asks her daughter to return Gwen's cell phone she had left during one of her visits. The trip gives Jacqueline a chance to get out of the house and take her mind off school work. Gwen is surprised when the daughter arrives with the phone and asks her in for a drink.</p> <p>Gwen and Jacqueline's mother are in a modern lesbian relationship and both date other people of either sex quite often. The ramifications of that situation never occurred to the twenty year old, until Gwen makes it clear she would like to get down and dirty with her.</p> <p>Needing some time to think about the older woman's advances she asks to use the bathroom, and Gwen graciously shows her the way, up to and including entering the bathroom with her.</p> <p>The young girl is taken off guard since she never thought of being seduced in the bathroom until Gwen boldly remained in the rest room and infringing on the girls privacy. Jacqueline, also bi-sexual and being the adventurous type decides to let Gwen's action continue to just see where they lead.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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税込価格 319円